Saturday, August 22, 2009

113 days to go - Inspired so high today

I will have to say that today was by far my favorite run day to date. The morning started off with one of my mentors, Adine, telling us her story about her father's battle with Leukemia. Her story really hit home why I was standing there so early in the morning. I have a laundry list of things to do today, but at that moment I knew that I needed to be "there" both mentally and physically. Her story was very inspiring to me and it made me cry involuntarily...I played it off that I had something in my eye...wink, wink! I ran better today that I have run yet! I actually felt HAPPY running today! Does that mean I am starting to get that HIGH thing everyone talks about? Also, my knee is not nearly as swollen as it usually is and I feel energized!!! Woo Hoo!!!Maybe I was lifted up in spirit by new higher purpose. I feel so privileged to be a part of this fine team and can't wait to go all the way. I have also decided today that I think I am going to run the half marathon and not just the relay!

Daily mantra:
Be inspired


  1. Go girl go! You have inspired those of us that don't run. You are making a difference, I am cheering you on!

  2. Thanks Deb! That really means a lot :) I just read your blog and I am cheering you on too!!!
