Saturday, October 1, 2011

What a difference a year makes

Today marks a very special day for me in running. It is the day that I have crossed 1,000 miles. I have run 1,000 miles with my my two feet, my creaky knees and my once-upon-a-time smoker lungs! I never in a million years thought I would ever be a runner. I HATED, LOATHED, DESPISED running, more than probably anything. I remember in High School wanting my mom to write me a note to slack off in PE because I didn't want to do it. So how on earth did I become a marathon runner?! If it weren't for that fateful day back in the summer of 2009, being dragged kicking and screaming to an information meeting for Team in Training about running a relay leg of a marathon, I would probably still hate it!

I have the bug, I have a new lease on life, I LOVE TO RUN. All because I bought some running shoes and I TRIED! It is funny how things happen in life. I have begun a journey into health, wellness and overall fitness. If I never stumbled onto running, would I be there now?

When I started running back in 2009, I was SLOW, turtle slow. I ran about a 14 minute pace...gradually getting to about a 13 minute pace. It was hard, my lungs hurt, my knees hurt, my body ached after long runs. Stairs were a formidable foe! Over time, running got easier, it got to be joyous. I looked forward to getting up at the wee hours, strapping on my Camelback belt, getting my shoes laced up and my iPod playlist run worthy. It became, my thing! I never really had a thing before. Someone once asked me what I was passionate about. At the time, there was nothing there to answer that question. I loved to paint, draw, write poetry etc. but was it my "passion"? It really wasn't, not anymore. Something about being in the creative field for a profession, it takes that passion part out of it if you do it everyday for work.

Now, 8 half marathons and a marathon later, I think I can safely say, I AM A RUNNER hear me roar! I believe I will do this the rest of my life, as long as I have the ability to do this! I can see Roy and I growing old together running marathons in our retirement all over the world. That makes me smile just thinking about it :)

So back to today, I not only ran my 1,000th mile, I also ran the fastest 8 mile run I have ever run! It was a GREAT run today! I was doing a happy dance. My heart rate was perfect, I was chatty Cathy the whole time and my breathing wasn't seriously labored at all and my legs felt like I hit this wonderful stride that I haven't quite hit before. I powered up 3 really big hills and didn't skip a beat!!! I looked back at my pace from one year ago on an 8 mile run and I ran 8 in 1:48 at 13:30 pace! Today I ran 8 in 1:25 at 10:43 pace! What a difference a year makes!

I am really getting excited about my upcoming half marathon in October...I feel a PR coming!!! Also, I really think if I can keep up the trend of speeding up my pace, my marathon goal time is very much in my reach. Goal time is 5 hours or less. My marathon time was 5:42, so that is dropping a lot of time, but I am ready! Bring it!!!

Another cause for celebration this day is hitting my fundraising goal this week! I have officially raised all the funds I need to participate in White Rock Marathon. Woo hoo! Happy dance, happy dance, happy dance...

Daily mantra: I can't be stopped!!!
Distance: 8 miles
Time: 1 hr 25 min 45 secs
Average pace: 10:43 min/miles
Route: TNT 8 Mile
Shoes: Brooks Ravenna 4
Calories: 1112

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