Saturday, August 29, 2009

106 days to go - Cooler weather, here we come!

Had an awesome run with my team this morning. I ran one of my best times yet...13:30 for 3 miles. Whoo Hoo! It made such a huge difference not being so dang hot!!! I felt great before, during and after. Am I starting to actually like this running thing? Never in a million years would I think that would be possible...but another Saturday I woke up before the sun and I am actually happy and in a great mood!! Does that mean that I won't take a noon nap when Dalton does, maybe, maybe not, time will tell :) None-the-less, this is good for me and this is such a good cause to be behind. Now if I could just keep those donations rolling in. Who knows, maybe checks are in the mail today....fingers crossed :)

Daily mantra:
Run baby run baby run

Thursday, August 27, 2009

108 days to go - Woo hoo, I made it!

So happy I am done with my run for the day. I was going to run tonight, but I got up, put on my running shoes and ran out the door - literally! I did eat a little something and drank 64oz of water (I had to clarify, I don't want anyone nagging me). I posted a really good time for me. I ran a 13:14, which is really good for me! There was one point when I was coming up the last extremely difficult hill, I would equate it to being a 10 incline on the treadmill, I was going about 5 miles an hour and I was huffing and puffing and a Bob Marley song came on "Could you be loved" and the lyrics were...

(The road of life is rocky and you may stumble too,
So while you point your fingers someone else is judging you)
Love your brotherman!
(Could you be - could you be - could you be loved?Could you be - could you be loved?Could you be - could you be - could you be loved?Could you be - could you be loved?)

Don't let them change ya, oh! -Or even rearrange ya!
Oh, no!We've got a life to live.
They say: only - only -only the fittest of the fittest shall survive -Stay alive! Eh!

and then it went on to say "Get up, get up, get up , get up, get up" while I ran UP the hill! It was great!

It pushed me the last little way up the hill. I love it when I am inspired by songs :)

Daily mantra:
Get er done!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

109 days to go - tonight's going to be a good, good night

I had a great 3 miles 2/1 run tonight. I felt awesome! I think the key to my success tonight was the Black Eyed Peas songs that I downloaded to my MP3 player and drinking 64oz of water right before my run. I found myself running to the beat of my music which was really up the first mile I did it in 13:35 minutes! I was really dragging in the heat last night, but tonight I think I could have gone another mile if I needed to! Whoo hoo! Hydration is critical to running and I was super hydrated. Note to self, drink lots of water before every run. I am finding myself excited to go it is some kind of adventure that is waiting up ahead for me. I never in a million years thought that I would ever utter the words "I am excited to go on a run"...but the time has arrived and hell apparently has frozen over :)

Daily mantra:
I think I can, I think I will

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

110 days to go - It's a HOT one today!

Ok, the kiddos are getting back in school and I have been focusing on fall/winter school clothes. Yet, it was 99 degrees today and who could imagine wearing any long sleeves shirts at the moment! Today was supposed to be a 2 mile run - I ran almost 3! Oopsy...was I just so gung ho that I wanted to do the regular marathon running schedule today? Who knows what the reason was, but I ran a whole extra mile today! On a good note, my knees feels really good!!! After most runs so far, my right knee has been so swollen it really hurts for several hours afterwards. My Dr. had advised me to run through the pain and I have been...I guess my body is getting used to it after all. Now if my dang heart would just get used to it already. I feel like I fail everytime my heart rate monitor beeps me out and makes me stop running because it gets to high. I do what Adine tells me and I listen to my body...this is not supposed to kill me in the process...I have to remember that sometimes. I am training to run a race, a race that raises money to save a lot of lives and get healthy in the process - not die trying! I am still running 2/1 intervals. I am making a goal for myself for Sept 1st to start running 3/1 intervals. I think another week of 2/1's and I should be set. I feel like I am getting more endurance...I guess that's the whole point of all these miles. I am tracking my runs and since I signed up for Team in Training, I have run/walked 28.15 miles! Woo Hoo! I can't wait to see how many it will be when it's all done.

On a personal note, which is funny to say since this whole blog is personal anyway, I really think this is something that I was meant to do. I think that I have needed something in my life to get behind and be passionate about and raising money for cancer really fits. It was really hard losing my grandma to cancer. Watching her wither away and deteriorate so rapidly after knowing that she was really fit and played golf almost every day of her last 45 years. She was a very crass, bitchy woman, but that is what she was and I loved her very much and I still get sad thinking of her from time to time. I miss her quips and her sarcasm and wish she had the chance to have met Dalton. I wish there wasn't cancer and I am so determined to do something that makes the difference in the lives of others that are suffering.

Daily mantra:
Helping others, helps yourself.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

113 days to go - Inspired so high today

I will have to say that today was by far my favorite run day to date. The morning started off with one of my mentors, Adine, telling us her story about her father's battle with Leukemia. Her story really hit home why I was standing there so early in the morning. I have a laundry list of things to do today, but at that moment I knew that I needed to be "there" both mentally and physically. Her story was very inspiring to me and it made me cry involuntarily...I played it off that I had something in my eye...wink, wink! I ran better today that I have run yet! I actually felt HAPPY running today! Does that mean I am starting to get that HIGH thing everyone talks about? Also, my knee is not nearly as swollen as it usually is and I feel energized!!! Woo Hoo!!!Maybe I was lifted up in spirit by new higher purpose. I feel so privileged to be a part of this fine team and can't wait to go all the way. I have also decided today that I think I am going to run the half marathon and not just the relay!

Daily mantra:
Be inspired

Thursday, August 20, 2009

115 days to go - Never give up

Today was another 2 mile mark. I feel a little bit like I cheated tonight. I walked the whole thing! I would have run, but scheduling conflicts caused us to have to do 2 miles with the kiddos in tow in the stroller. Anyone that has been in my neck of the woods knows just how dang hilly it is over here. Running is NOT an option with 70 pounds worth of kids and stroller. So, we took a brisk walk with the kids and my dog Nitro. He is getting to be senior dog according to his recent checkup (that would be 5 years) anyway, I think Roy will start taking him on morning runs. Heck, we will just make the whole family get involved...even the beloved pooch can suffer a little too!

My knee has become very uncomfortable...the swelling from running is taking a toll. I am continuing to ice it down after runs and take ibuprofen...hopefully as I get stronger, so will my knee and my legs. I can't wait until I get to be like those ladies that run like gazelles and barely break a sweat. The ones that get a high off every run. When does that kick in? I am ready for it!

Daily mantra:
Never give up

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

116 days to go - Just don't quit

Anyone that knows me well probably knows that I am NOT a morning person. My idea of early is 9...I know you are laughing, but really...9 is early enough for me. So when I tell you that I am running at 7:45AM that should tell you how much dedication that I am putting in here. Today I did my 2 miles, my legs hurt, my knee hurt, I wanted to give up and just stop...but I kept on fighting through the pain and kept on running. I kept my head high and thoughts on the Heroes that I am fighting for...the real fighters in this world are the ones I am running for. So when I am being whiny and want to quit I am reminded of a boy named Griffin that I am running for. I am remined of my grandma that lost her life to cancer and my wonderful friend CC that died from breast cancer. Why does cancer have to be so mean?! I hate cancer more than I hate running! So I will keep running and running!!!

Daily mantra:
Just don't quit

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

117 days to go - keep on truckin

Tonight was a 2 mile run, I stayed on my 2/1 intervals. That is code for run 2 minutes and walk for 1 minute. I am slowly building up my endurance. I have a great heart rate monitor that keeps me in line. Basically my goal is to run without with hyper beeping to tell me to slow down because my heart is about to burst from my chest. I was a little disappointed beeped me out 3 times on mile 2. I know, I have to work up to it and I know I am not a runner and have never been a runner and I should be very proud of myself for sticking with it. No pain no gain baby! I have a mission to prove, I have goals to meet, I have people's lives to save. One agonizing run at a time. I know I can, I know I can, I know I can.

Daily mantra:
Keep on truckin (thanks for the idea of a daily mantra Jessica)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Saturday Morning training - Day 12

Today was the day that I would have much rather been in bed. I should have stayed in body did not want to run. It was a very hard 3 miles, but I made it through. This is what I call stick with something no matter how grueling. I am doing this for a good cause...I am doing this to help cure cancer. I have to keep on keepin on and think to myself that this is just one day. I have 120 days until the marathon. I CAN DO IT!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

What the heck did I sign up for?

A crazy girl I know named Lisa thought it would be a dandy idea for a group of us fellow mommies to go check out an information meeting about marathon training. Little did I know it would happen that quickly...but before we left we had all committed and signed on the dotted line to start training for Whiterock Lake Marathon in December! Now, don't get me wrong, I am all about doing things for a good cause, however, I have NEVER run a day in my life. I HATE, HATE, HATE running and now I have some how been swindled, peer pressured, gun to the head, forced to start my training. It is going to be grueling, unbearable and I could quite possibly die...BUT I am so excited I could pee my pants right now! Seriously! I have been given the chance to conquer my fears and face one of my biggest challenges all the while I will be raising money to fight cancer. So, please support me on my journey into madness and follow along as I dive head first into a new world of running.