Monday, December 14, 2009

After the race! I DID it!!!

I am finally getting some time to post after running my first half marathon. That is 13.1 miles to anyone not quite familiar with the mileage. My final time was 2:59:25. My personal goal was 2:45...I am not disappointed at all that I didn't quite make it. If I didn't have to stop and pee at the port-o-loo...damn bladder...I would have made my time I think! recap my day, I will start with the previous day. We dropped the kiddos off at Gee's house around 2 and then headed downtown. We had to stop at the Expo and get our race day packets that contain our bibs, timing chip and relay/race info. We met up with our coaches Dave and Meg who brought us over to meet their idol, a man very famous in the marathon world, by the name of Dick Beardsley, who said "When you cross the finish line, it will change your life forever". We actualy got to shake his hand and talk with him about our race. He gave us thing he said was when you start off running you need to slow down, slow down some more and then slow down again. He said most people start off way faster than they usually run because they are so excited and launch out the gate with everyone else that is charging past them. I listened to him in awe. He is a it was very inspiring to meet him. After that we headed on over to the hotel.

We stayed at the Fairmont hotel on Saturday night and had our inspirational pasta dinner at 6. The dinner was full of all the TNT runners in North Texas and their families and friends. It was a full house. We loaded up on pasta and listened to the Coaches, Directors and Honored heroes talk. We got advice on what to do come race day and were moved by a man named Dave...he was our honored hero. Dave says he likes to just refer to himself as the mascot. Anyway, he has fought Leukemia since 2002. He has been in remission now for 18 months...this is his 3rd time in remission. He detailed out when he got it and how he was treated and all that he has gone through. He talked about how much the experimental treatments cost and told us how 6 months of the treatment he received was $250,000! The directors just told us that we raised $252,000 for the winter team...that's why raising this money is so important. We afforded someone like Dave to receive life saving treatment that may save many more lives. He is not out of the woods, it could come back, but for now he runs marathons and stays positive and has a zest for life. I was very inspired to hear him talk and I put a Dave ribbon on my jersey to think of him if I was struggling on my run.

After the food, we decorated our jersey. I put my name on my jersey with bright yellow duct tape and on the back I wrote "Cancer Sucks"...that was for Adine! Back at the room we laid out all our gear, attached our bibs to our shirts, put the timing chip on our shoes and tried to get some sleep. I set my event timer on my watch when we first started training, that is how I always knew how many days to I had to take a picture of the watch. After tossing and turning for awhile, I fell asleep about midnight!

The big day arrives. We got up at 5am, had some breakfast, got dressed and headed down to the lobby. Not nervous at all at this point...I am just feeling READY! We got loaded up on our shuttle about 6:10 and I don't know what the driver was thinking, but he had the heater blazing hot and he chose to go from the hotel to the AAC on the service road of the highway. It took 40 minutes to go less than 1 mile!!! We arrived at AAC and followed the coaches advice and got in line for the bathroom. Now I am ready to run!!!

We met up with the rest of our teammates at the TNT tent and then shortly after, started off to the corrals to line up for the start. Woo hoo...I am so pumped at this point...excitement has been building for all these months and the day is finally here. Then, boom, there goes the starting gun. We were in the corral A because we were relay runners...that is where the really FAST runners go. That was a challenge to not get run mob of a lot of really fast people charging behind you was a little intimidating. I had to remind us to slow our pace down and not get sucked into the momentum of it all. I got to run with Stacy and Trinity. Stacy has been running with me for awhile now and Trinity has been nursing an ankle injury. We were all used to the same pace, so I had to make sure we stayed with that pace and didn't start off too fast. We did get to mile one at 12:18, so we were right on target with the pace. Everything was awesome...the weather couldn't have been was cold in the 40's...PERFECT!!! About mile 3, Stacy's knee started bothering her! I was so bummed for her, she hasn't been injured the whole time and race day her knee starts giving out. I was sad about it, but she wanted us to run on ahead and let her walk.

Then about mile 4 or 5, Lisa frantically catches up with us and needed to use my cell phone to call Meg and trade shoes with her. She bought new shoes and didn't get to break them in enough and her feet were in agony. She was running the full marathon and the relay, so she needed to get that fixed. Meg ended up giving her the insoles of her shoes to put in Lisa's shoes...seemed to do the trick. She finished!

Mile 6 was the relay hand-off. My team was Barb and Rhonda. Barb ran leg 2-3 and Rhonda 4-5. It was so great to see them waiting there for us. Passed off the baton and headed the other way, back to the Half course. Pretty much the course so far was a gradual hill...after mile 6 it went downhill from there.

Mile 7-8 was a very long boring stretch on this very straight road and then we got to the end and turned around and stayed on the same road. I was happy I got to see Stacy and Jessica along the way though.

The next thing I know we are on Katy trail! That started the final desent to the finish line. I was just so excited to be doing this. I was so filled with adrinaline...I think I could have run another 10 miles! I was thrilled to see a group of our friends cheering us on as we ran, all the Co Co moms hubbies and their little ones, it was so nice to see familiar faces yelling our names! Here comes mile 13...I see the finish line. I just started running as fast as I could and ran it home! My first half marathon!!! It was one of the best feelings in the world! Once I finished I saw my old running buddy Deborah...she was cheering for me as I ran in. It was so nice to see her. She worked so hard right along with was kind of bittersweet that we weren't running to the finish line together.

Now that I have run a half marathon, I have already signed up for another one in March and I am going to run a FULL marathon on my birthday.

I guess Dick Beardsley was right when he said "Once you cross the finish line, it will change your life forever". I am, forever changed.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

1 day to go - Tomorrow is the big day!

Last update before the big day!!! On my way downtown to the Fairmont, then the inspirational pasta dinner...then race day!!!

If you are interested in my progress on Sunday for White can track me. My bib number is can get text updates from here...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

5 days to go - I can't believe it's almost here!!!

Ok, the holidays have taken over, so I haven't been able to update as regularly as I had been. Well...since I wrote last, I have run 55.5 miles. So that was an 8, 12 and 8 on my long runs. I have been doing great...I luckily haven't had any pains, except normal muscle aches here and there. Running feels natural now. It is weird, I never thought I would say that. I AM a Runner!

Stacy will be running a half with me, she is faster than I am, so that means I have had to speed up to stay with her. Luckily, I have apapted to her pace and have improved in my speed. It's nice to have someone to run really makes the time go buy faster and it doesn't seem as difficult if you are doing it with someone.

As the marathon day approaches I am finding myself really sad that it is all coming to an end. I am amazed at how many new friendships that I have fostered and how much I love being a part of such an unbelievable organization. As a team, we have raised over $82,000 as of Dec. 3rd! That is awesome! That money will go a long way to help find a cure. I am already talking to Roy about signing up again next fall and doing the Rock again with the time as Mentors. I have had two of the most amazing coaches I could have asked for and I would be honored to be on their team again. The mentors have inspired me so much...I have never felt so attached to a cause before. Being a part of a team has given me more purpose in my own life and for that I will be eternally greatful to everyone involved in TNT! OK, enough sappy stuff...

I am getting down to business. I have the new shoes (well not new this week, but a few weeks old), I have my purple TNT shirt, got one of my I still need to get the relay packets, my half packet and my TNT packet. So much to remember and keep up with. I was laying out my clothes for last Saturday's run and was in awe at all the stuff that I had to put on before I ran. I am praying it will be in the 50's for race day. I can lighten my load then and wear my shorts and run like the wind. I think my biggest worry is what to wear on race day. I am not concerned about my physical well being or any of that...just, what am I going to wear?! The proverbial question every single woman on Earth debates daily...what to wear! Do I layer...or just wear one layer. I know...I am way over thinking this and think it is 1am and I need sleep. Yep, I am now babbling.

I will update again...before the big day!

Daily mantra:
2 miles! That's it!?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

29 days to go - 16 weeks of training

I can't believe we have done 16 weeks of training! That is amazing to me how far we have come and I am kinda sad to see that it will be over soon. I have had the most rewarding experience of my life. I have challenged myself personally. I have raised money for such an unbelievable cause and I am just so happy I good bust!

Today I ran 8 miles today with Stacy again. Looks like she may end up running Whiterock with me in Deb's place. I found out on Friday that Debra is out for the season. It was a "significant stress fracture" she is done with running for good she says. It breaks my heart for her since she and I worked so hard to make it this far only to have her dream taken away with only 4 weeks to go. She is still in good spirits, but I am sure it was very disappointing for her. I know it would have really devastated me to out because of an injury. These things happen I guess and so we just have to move on...but you better believe she will be there cheering for us on race day!! I ran my 8 miles in 1:41 today...that is 7 minutes faster than the last 8 mile run. I came in happy with my arms held high and my girl Deb was there! She came to see everybody. That just made my day :)

Daily mantra:
Do whatever it takes

Daily miles:

31 days to go - Run around the hood

I had to get my 4 mile run in before it got dark. I set out to run the neighborhood by my mom's house. It is a nice route...not too many hills...except the one BIG hill by my house. I ran pretty good. My hip starts hurting towards the end of the week....but it loosened up pretty good after the first mile. After the 2nd mile, it was down hill from there :) Pretty good time after all...I ended up running 50:40...not too shabby.

Daily mantra:
Just keep swimming :)

Daily miles:

32 days to run - Long, dark run

Tonight was a 6 mile run. My regular running buddy Deborah has not been here for a few days, she has had major swelling in her foot. She is going in for an MRI. I am hoping for the best that it's not a stress fracture. She was supposed to run the half marathon with me. We have been great pace partners and I would be sad if she can't run anymore. Anyway, I ended up running with Cassie tonight. We had a good run, lots of good chats and it was pretty uneventful. My Ipod decided to stop working correctly. I let Roy borrow it right before my run and he ended up getting it all sweaty...apparently sweat is not a friend to the new Ipod Shuffle headphones. I had to call tech support and they fedexed me a new pair...woo hoo!

Daily mantra:
Just run

Daily miles:

33 days to go - Another night, another run!

Woo hoo! Tonight I did my personal best time for 4 miles! I ran it in 49:52. That is 12:29 pace!!! I have to thank Stacy for that one...she is a wee bit quicker than me and I had to keep up with her or be left in the dark. I felt great! It is so nice to run and feel good and not be winded or feel like you want to die. I remember when training first started and I could barely do 2 miles. It is such a good feeling! Oh happy day :)

Daily mantra:
I am speed

Daily miles:

Sunday, November 8, 2009

36 days to go - A dozen miles to go

This was a different kind of Saturday morning run. First of all I didn't have the support of all my teammates there to cheer me on. Secondly, I was in Oklahoma and not at our usual stomping grounds. Thirdly, I was going to have to run 12 miles ALL alone. All things that could really get you intimidated. I drove a route by our cabin that was a loop around the camp sites by the river. It was beautiful and on a one way street. I ran in the opposite direction towards the I could run in the road until anyone came. Well...most people were sleeping or making breakfast so cars were not an issue at all. It was slightly misty outside...the temperature was about 60 and the sun was behind clouds. I started out with my jacket on, but like usual I dumped it at the cabin at mile 1. That was my ended at the cabin every time. I was worried I would lose count of my laps, I came up with a clever idea to keep track of them. Every mile/lap I would pick up a leaf that I thought was interesting and I would drop it on my jacket that I had laid out on the ground. It was pretty neat, I would be in a full run and a leaf would catch my eye and I would stop and grab it. Partly I did this for Dylan. He and I collected leaves for a school project and he had to leave the school before they could use his leaves...he was kinda sad about it. What better way to mark my run and make my kid's day?! I have a lot of really cool leaves...all kinds...all shapes, colors and sizes. Around mile 10, Dylan was outside playing with his wagon and called me all excited when he saw me...he was my little cheering section. It was so endearing :)

Well, I had the best run I have had date...period! Maybe it was the majestic scenery that just took your breath away and made you embrace being outside at 6:30am. Maybe it was the fact that the air was so crisp, the smells of camp fires burning with the fall leaves rustling along the road and the squirrels scampering from tree to tree...looking up at the road ahead and wishing it would never end. THAT never happens on my runs. I highly recommend running in Beaver's Bend...I think it was very therapeutic. It was so peaceful and it made me feel so energized. So much that I actually ran an extra half mile or so just to make sure I did my 12 miles...later we realized it was about 12.7 miles. After showering and having breakfast, I told Roy to grab the kids and the wagon because I wanted to take pictures of my run so I could share them with everyone. So...I essentially did a victory lap and walked another mile with the kids and took some pictures for me. I felt great after the complaints...except my right foot kinda hurts a little now. But, overall...I am so proud of myself for coming this far and even more so for doing it all alone.

Here are some pictures of my route:

Daily mantra:
Be at one with nature more often

Daily miles:
13.6 - HECK YEAH!!!!

38 days to go - And off she goes

I love days like this! I mapped out a different 4 mile run with a few less hills and I am happy for it! I found that I was running a lot quicker than I usually do...I got to my first mile marker at 12:00 and then made it to my 2nd marker at 25:00...which was pretty good. I ran the 3-4 miles and reallized that I was way ahead of my usual time for 4 miles. That can't best time yet is 51 minutes for 4 miles...and I ended up with 45 minutes. Really??? There had to be NO way that was right. I went on a run that Roy had mapped out on Log your run and he used the Out and Back feature...Which is supposed to calculate going to that point and coming back...that should be the same miles both ways...right?! Well...evidently...upon re-examination of the route...I knew I couldn't have run THAT fast...when I remapped it and traced the route all the way there and then traced it back, it was only 3.6 miles. So bah hum bug...not the stellar time after all. Oh cool thing I did do was power through my killer hill by my house. I can NEVER run the whole hill without dying...well I ran the whole dang thing without skipping a beat! I just powered through it and did my mind over matter hoodoo voodoo and made the hill disappear! Boo Yah!

Daily mantra:
Hills, Smhills!

Daily miles:

39 days to go - Beautiful and partly hot

Had to fit in my run while the lids were in school this afternoon. It was a gorgeous sun filled day, unlike the Seattle rain that we were having. I started my run around 11am and it felled nice outside, but after about 2 miles I was HOT....burning up...HOT! I started getting side stitches...I have never had that pain before...clearly that was a new one for me. Not a FAN!!! I think I was drinking too much water and ran too close to eating my breakfast. I just couldn't make the pain stopped, so I walked a little more than usual...a LOT more than usual. I probably walked majority of the last mile. Time to go online and Google side stitches to see what that's all about. I can't have that happen again. Oh well...all runs are not created equal. Some days are spectacular and other days not so much. Today was about a 4 on the scale of runs. Meh...

Daily mantra:
If in doubt, Google it

Daily miles:

40 Days to go - Full moon ahead

Tonight I had a full moon lighting my way, cool wind on my face and I was ready to run. It was not as dark as usual because of the moon, so that made running a little easier. I ran with Cassie, Stacy and Angie. We were all having pretty good runs. I think of the 4 mile runs now as a cake walk for me. I can't believe I am to that point that a 4 mile run is a short, easy run! Who would have thought that day would come?! Running a night doesn't really bother me, you just have to be careful because some cars really don't give a flip about pedestrians crossing. That was proven tonight when this yahoo clearly didn't want to top while we were crossing and I had throw my arm up and pull the STOP hand on him all the whilst I was shielding Cassie with my "Mom" arm! I didn't even realize I had done that until she said something. It made me laugh...and think of a Carrot Top prop I saw once. Anyhoo, my goal was 51 minutes and I did it! Whoo hoo! Always great to hit your goals :)

Daily mantra:
Don't mess with my Mom arm!

Daily miles:

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

43 days to go - Lots of "whine" in grapevine!

It was all team training in Grapevine...which happens to be about 35 minutes from my house. We were all supposed to meet up at 7am. We were driving there with plenty of time, but unfortunately for us...Mapquest is not our friend!!! We ended up turning on the wrong Hwy 26 exit and finally got there at the whole purpose of us going there...completely MOOT!!! Yes, it was a very disappointing start of the day to finally arrive at the very moment that everyone was doing the "go team" huddle and off they all went. So yay me...I got to run my LONG 10 mile run all by myself! I know...poor me...I had to keep reminding myself...why am I here again??? Oh yeah, to raise money for people that have cancer...they have to fight the fight all by themselves too! So suck it up and run girl!!! I actually stayed steady with my running, I ran when I was supposed to and walked when I supposed to and I stayed motivated, hydrated and gelled. Once I passed the 6 mile turn around (that was clearly marked TURN around) I kept running until I got to the lake. Then there was a sign that I thought was a hair pin turn sign ( I know...I need to go back to sign 101 class) so I preceeded to make a nice circle around the lake turn around...which added about .4 miles. Luckily it was a circle and dropped me back to where I was when the sign appeared. I eventually realized that it was a turn around sign...could have been a tad bit more clear...considering I am still a rookie runner and am not familiar with following directional signage on my routes. I finally got to the start of the jogging path and their was a lady that was supposed to inform me that my 2 additional miles were straight ahead on the path, however she was already engaged in a conversation and I waited for a minute or two for her to speak up, but alas, I ran back to base and asked them...which added more distance too. Where the heck am I supposed to go? They said I had to run back to wear the trail was and go the grapes and back. Oh enough already! Well, I ran to the grapes and passed them until I reached the 10 mile turn around sign and ran back to base. They awarded me with lots of praise and I had to quickly turn that frown upside down and realized that it wasn't an awful experience after all! Yes, it wasn't ideal, but it will make me tougher. I started the day whining and ended the morning feeling great!

Daily mantra:
Run baby run!!!

Daily miles:
10.4 or so

46 days to go - Ooh it's windy!

Tonight was a very dark 6 mile run! There were only 4 of us that were doing 6 miles this particular night. Two of us were in a get er done mood and two of us were not so much. So Barb and I ran and Lannie and Deb walked more than they ran (which I must note is perfectly OK, everyone has a bad running day now and again). We didn't run a stellar time or anything, but it was nice to catch up and chat while we ran. The last mile of our run the wind picked up. It was like gale force winds blowing on our side...would have been super if it was blowing at our backs. No such luck of THAT happening!

Daily mantra:
Learn to love running

Daily miles:

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

47 days to go - No rain!!! Woo hoo!

It literally has been feeling a lot like Seattle here the last few weeks. We have had more rain in October than any other October on record! So it was a welcoming site today to actually see the sun. I was shocked to see it, but oh so happy to not have to run in the rain tonight. Running in the rain is not all that bad, but running in the rain at night would kinda suck! I think I would be really cold, plus you can't see very well in the dark and I would be afraid to fall down. It happens! Anyway, wasn't the best run I have had, but after the long break between runs, I think I get rusty come Tuesday. Who knows...that is my logic today and I am sticking to it!

Daily mantra:
Rain, rain go away! Thank you for staying away today!

Daily miles:

50 days to go - holy toledo batman!

Wowsers - today was the biggest day yet! We ran 10 miles!!!!! Holy sweet honey iced tea!!! I was really ready for it...I was more excited than scared and I was fearless! I ran with confidence and a purpose and I really enjoyed the run. I kept my pace consistent and ate my GU when I needed it and stayed hydrated. The whole run my body felt great, then BAM...mile 8.5-9, I hit a wall! All the sudden my body felt like a wave of fatigue just fanned over me and I was like, DAMN, I think I need some GU or something. So we took some more and drank some more water and walked for a round of intervals and sure enough, we perked back up and voila, we were back on the horse and running up the last hill to the finish line. Once we passed the hill, we were on the straight away, Debra said to run on ahead if I wanted to, but not today...I just ran it in slowly to the finish. I was so happy! I did 10 miles!!!! Wow, ME, I conquered some huge number, I RAN 10 miles in 2:15! It wasn't my goal time of 2:08-2:10, but you know what, I am not winning any medals for my time anyway. I am happy finish and see the end of the journey.

After my run, I took my Saturday afternoon nap for 2 hours and was nice and rested for my 2 mile walk for Light the Night...which is also for Leukemia and Lymphoma. So technically I did 12 miles today altogether!

Daily mantra:
Just DO it!

Daily miles:

52 days to go - not a good day

I was supposed to do my 4 miles today, but instead had to scramble and get the house ready for a showing! I HATE having my house on the market!!! HATE it...but when I get a call, I have to drop everything and get it ready. Sure, my house is supposed to be spotless at all times with and 18 month old and a 4 year old! Yeah right...that is why I get an hour before showings. Sometimes I really which I had more than an hour though!!! Needless to say, this threw my whole day of and I had to play catch up on work and by the time I could run, it was too I called it a day. I will make it up on Saturday :)

Daily mantra:
Shit happens

Daily miles:

53 days to go - Rainy runs are fun

I got the rare privilege of running my 6 miles all by myself in the rain! We weren't talking a little was raining...and I was running in it!!! Yep, it was rather amusing I am sure to watch me run in it. I did it though...I set out to do it and I did it. Oh, don't get me wrong I was talking myself out of running all day. I was polling my Facebook I run 6 at the gym or 6 in the rain. I got a mixed reaction, but mostly everyone said that I would be really die hard if I ran in the I did!!!! You know what, I think I got good karma points for it, because I went and played Bunco and I WON!!! I never win...but I did that night. Coincidence? Maybe...but I am going with good karma on that one :)

Daily mantra:
Just keep swimming (literally)

Daily miles:

54 days to go - Gym miles suck

I had to run at the gym today since my regular sitter - aka GEE - was flying home from California at run time. The gym was so HOT I just couldn't stand it...but I ran anyway. I wanted to quit because I was just miserable...not miserable because it was hard or I was hurting...only because I was so HOT! I really need to give my gym an earful, it usually is a lot cooler in there and did I mention that I hate running when it's HOT?! None-the-less I did my 4 miles in a pretty good time. I am staying consistent at 12:48 pace...I can live with that.

Daily mantra:
Run outside when you can!

Daily miles:

57 days to go - longest run yet!

Today was my longest run to date - 8 miles!!! I was kinda scared, but I knew I could do it. It was pretty cool when we started out. I felt good though throughout the run. I kept thinking to myself...YOU CAN DO THIS...DON"T GIVE UP....YOU CAN"T QUIT! It worked...I finished my 8 miles in 1:48...that was my goal and I did it!!! I wasn't even sore afterwards...couldn't believe that either! It's hard to believe I started out barely able to run 2 miles.

Daily mantra:
Don't quit

Daily miles: 8

Thursday, October 15, 2009

59 days to go - Thank the Lord for running buddies

Tonight I usually would have run on the treadmill at the gym - which I HATE - luckily for me, my running buddy Debra was free and was able to meet me at 5:30. A night cold front came through during the night, so the weather was nice and cool again, great for running 4 miles in. We started out with a bang, we reached the first mile marker in we were starting off with a good pace. We got to mile 2 in about 25 minutes, so we were still at 12:30...we stayed pretty much on track the whole time. I think we slowed down a little on the hill from hell on Glen Oaks and then we were back up and running full speed ahead from mile 3 on. I was checking my watch and watching our time. I am still trying to break 50 minutes for 4 miles. We sprinted the last of the way in to finish with 50:51!!! 51 stinkin seconds off my goal. Maybe next Tuesday I will do it. My ultimate goal I think it to run 4 in 48. I want to do a 12:00 minute mile so bad. I am pushing myself harder each time to do it. I like to challenge myself and will keep doing so until I hit my goals. I had to fill out my paperwork and out down my estimated finishing time, I out down 2:55 based on my current speeds. Hopefully I will beat the estimate and finish sooner. Either way, I WILL finish the race! I can already see the medal around my neck. Will I win a price? Nah, not even close...will I feel like I won a million bucks?! You better believe it!

Daily mantra:
I got my eye on the prize!

60 days to go - Gotta fit in my run

I had a million errands to do during the day while the kids were in school. I had barely an hour to run 4 miles. I ended up running 3.37 miles in 43:14. I had a hard run, it was still really humid and hot. I was very hot and flustered. That was the first time in a LONG time that I was completely flushed and beet red when I finished my run. Exhausted, I ran in, showered and managed to pick up my kids on time! Whew...I knew I had to I pushed myself faster and faster. Sometimes it might be a little too fast.

Tonight we had our recommitment meeting and party. I was really excited to go find out about all the race day details! Not to mention, it was a chance for me to get out the house and hang out with people that don't have germy toys in their hands and sticky fingers all day! I was relieved to hear about all the is now really sinking in...I AM running in a marathon and I somehow became the team captain!!! I think I am a good leader and am already thinking about signing up for the winter team again next year as a mentor :) This running thing is addicting...I am dreaming about running too. I dreamt last night that I was running and then a group of us stopped to stretch and some reason we all took off our shoes and then the next thing I know is my shoes are gone and all that is left is a shoe for someone with a club foot and a giant orthopedic heel and the other shoe is tight and way too narrow for my foot. I managed to still run with the bad shoes and finish my race. Maybe that is some sort of omen that no matter what crap gets thrown at me, I will finish my race, I will finish what I started and I will never give up! I am going to take it at that. Sounds good to me :)

Daily mantra:
Dream about running faster next time

61 days to go - Just beat me with a wet blanket!

Good grief, all I have to say is that running when it is 100% humidity outside is not fun! It was a 4 mile run with the team tonight and I was so hot! I thought it was summer again, I literally felt like a I had a veil of wet towels around me! Despite being hot and sticky I actually felt good. The last few minutes I had a big burst of adrenaline kick in and I sprinted back to the parking lot! ME, sprinting!!!! Yes, you heard me right...I was trying really hard to break 50 minutes, so I pushed my hardest and RAN, FAST! Alas, I came in at was still not bad. I felt great afterwards. I was imagining me on race day doing that at the end! I hope it kicks in then and I sprint that hard and fast!

Daily mantra:
I will be faster tomorrow

Sunday, October 11, 2009

64 days to go - Ok, where's the sun at?

Today was another 6 mile run with the team. I love Saturday runs! I never thought I would be happy to get up at 5:45 and run, but now I really look forward to it. I am starting to think that I like mornings (shhh, don't tell anyone, I have a reputation to uphold)! Roy and I were top fundraisers for another week! Woo hoo, it is such a great feeling of accomplishment to raise money for such a worthy cause! It makes me proud to be such a part of this. I know I seem to get sappy and sentimental on Saturdays :) We got off to a nice start, even though it was only 46 degrees outside and no chance of sun anywhere to be seen! We had an awesome run! I have the best running buddy, we have such a good balance, we keep on the same pace and she slows down when I do or speeds up when I do. It's great to have someone that shares the same determination as you and wants to be their best self, like you do. We got to a hill that has been our nemesis on our 6 mile run only to realize that we zoomed right up the hill without even realizing we were done with it! That was awesome!!! We did our 6 miles in 1:22 minutes! Staying consistent, week after week, even with the 4/1 switch. It didn't slow us down a bit! Oh, but it was so cold when we were finished, I was freezing for a good hour after my run. I had the chills and had to take a HOT shower and get all bundled up in a sweater to warm up. Man, I was COLD!

Daily mantra:
The sun is up there, I just know it!

66 days to go - Ouch that hurt

Today was not a good day! The kids have been sick all week and they have tested by patience. I have been busy all day and week with work and had to wait for late in the day to finally run. So at 10pm I headed to the gym and was prepared to run 4 miles on the treadmill. I get there and it felt like 80 inside so I knew that wasn't a good way to start. I ran for about 10 minutes and I just couldn't run anymore. I felt awful. I had a shooting pain in my leg that felt like a stab in my calf...I knew I was just better off stopping while I was ahead. I felt so defeated, but I went home, rubbed icy hot on my leg, iced it down and took Ibuprofen and chalked it up to a bad day. There will be lots of other run days and it's NOT the end of the world.

Daily Mantra:
There's always tomorrow

67 days to go - Great night run!

Tonight was another 4 mile run. I had my running buddy and we were both hitting on all cylinders. We ran faster than normal. We tried to pace ourselves to beat our time from our last 4 mile run. I wanted to break 50 minutes, so we started sprinting the last few minutes. We ended up at 52 minutes, but we still ran it faster the previous week. I love seeing myself improve and watch my time get better and my body get stronger. Endurance is a funny thing.

Daily mantra:
Run faster than last time

68 days to go - New week, new interval

Today was the day I went from 3/1 intervals to 4/1 intervals. I thought I was going to die, but I was a champ! I started running a lot faster than I usually do, I blame Stacy on that one...she is fast! I left my running buddy in the dark, fortunately coach was there to run with her. She was having a slower start than usual. I really thought I was going to die when I started running up the one big hill on the 4 mile course, I HATE that dang hill! I am not sure I really like the night running, but I have to do what I have to do. Gotta stay focused and determined and never quit!

Daily mantra:
Never give up

Saturday, October 3, 2009

71 days to go - Pancakes were calling me!

This morning was our 6 mile long run. I had a great run today! I felt good, my legs felt good, I was running faster and faster. I kept finding myself pulling away from my buddy...sorry Debra...I will try to slow down a little. I just got my stride and got in a groove. The last 2 miles I could only think about the wonderful, fluffy pancakes and bacon that were waiting ahead for us. Who could quit then? No way, run girl, run! Next week the miles go up, which after looking at the chart, were supposed to have gone up this week. will be 4, 4, 4 and then 8 - that is 20 miles! I am going to start getting into the longer and longer runs...October we are scheduled to run 94 miles! Holy moly, mother of meatballs, that is a lot of miles!!!

Daily mantra:
Just smell the pancakes

73 days to go - What hill?

Ran 3 miles tonight in my neighborhood. Not too started out a strong run, but then my legs just started aching. Damn hills, I hate you!!! There are also many hills on my path that I took. Why does Stonebridge have to be so hilly? At least I had my new Ipod to keep me company. Just gotta stay consistent, gotta stay consistent. Why is it so much easier to run with my buddy? I logged 3 miles in 40:08, which is 12:49. Stayed in the 12's anyway.

On a good note, I finally lost the 5 pounds that I gained when I started running! Woo hoo, I actually am down a pound from my starting weight now. You want to know why? I started eating more!!! Apparently my body was hoarding everything, because I was still eating the same amount of points that I had been eating before all this running started. Now I think I know what I am doing and I hope the downward trend continues.

Daily mantra:
Just keep running, just keep running

Friday, October 2, 2009

74 days to go - Hump day running

Tonight was our 4 mile run. The hump day run, the long run in the dark. I felt good, no pain in my knees, no pain in my legs. I started off faster than I normally do, I am trying to push myself to stay in the 12's. I got a new Ipod and headlamp for my hat so I was all set! The tunes were jamming and I was running. I kept at a good pace until the dreaded hill on Glen Oaks. I HATE that hill. Of course my watch always beeps me to run right when I get to the giant, looming hill! I liked having my light, it made me feel safer I guess. My time wasn't too bad...I ran 4 miles in 54:00 flat...that is 13:38...didn't stay in the 12's, but I am not fretting it. There is always tomorrow. When we were done running, my body felt great and I was full of energy. Love days like this!!!

Daily mantra:
Running is group therapy

76 days to go - Ooh, I am getting faster

Tonight I ran on the treadmill, I did my 3 miles while Roy was home watching the Cowboy game. I had to run on Monday, because we had our Silent Auction on Tuesday. I had a great run! I went in with the goal of doing 3 miles in 36 minutes, I fell short and ran 3 miles in 38:02. That is a 12:41 mile! I have been stuck consistently in the 14:30 minute mile range. I guess I broke free. I hope!

Daily mantra:
Just keep pushing

Saturday, September 26, 2009

78 days to go - Lannie's Ladies day

I had a great day! I ran the Ovarian Cancer 5k with my Lannie's Ladies team this morning. I ran it in 39:47! That made my pace 12:50/mile! Still in the 12's...I hope I stay there or better. It was so incredibly inspiring to be a part of a large crowd of people that are all trying to raise awareness for a cancer that is very vague in symptoms and barely talked about. They said it was the largest crowd yet and they had a record number of teams this year. We were one of the teams...Lannie's Ladies. I was proud to be on a team with such fine ladies and a few gentlemen that were there to support it too :) Lannie was the hero of our day. She was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer last year and she was one of the fortunate ones that had it caught early and now, she is a survivor. We walked with her last year and now we got to run with her this year. This will be a yearly thing now. It puts it in perspective when a friend of yours has to fight for her life. She had ovarian cancer, we are raising money for leukemia, but cancer is cancer and that is why we run. That is why we train. That is why we put our blood, sweat and tears into this training. So we can get to say that someone else we know is a survivor too!

Daily mantra:
Train harder, run faster

80 days to go - Best time yet!

I just switched my route up and tried a new 3 mile trail and ran my best time yet!!! Woo hoo! I ran it in 38:54 which is 12:26/mile! I have been consistently running 14:30/miles and now I am in the 12's. I just ran faster and kept going. Sometimes I have started out too fast and then start getting a pain in my leg or something and have to slow it down. I am still running my 3/1 intervals, but I plan on upping that to 4/1 when October starts. I am feeling stronger every run. I did make myself laugh...I had to play music in my head since my MP3 player died last week and as I was coming up my final - very steep - hill, I found myself thinking of Jessica's blog and pictured the Rocky picture and started doing the doo do dooooo, do do dooooooo, do do doooo, do do do do do dooooooooooooooooo. We all know how that goes, right?! None-the-less, it pushed me up the hill and to my house in record time. I am so glad I have such a vivid memory and can hear the songs in my head. Comes in mighty handy when you have no tunes :)

Daily mantra:
Just baby run, baby run

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

81 days to go - Dang it's dark out here!

Tonight was a 4 mile run and we met at 7:00 like usual. We ran for about 1.5 or so and then it got really dark. I need to get one of those headlights to put on my hat. It was kinda creepy running where you couldn't see. My right leg was hurting me really badly tonight. It was an ache that seemed better when I ran versus walking. My running buddy was having a really good run tonight and I was the one having an off day. It was her day to lift ME up! My legs aren't hurting as much now that I stopped. I will have to ask my DR. about this new pain to see what he thinks might be causing it. Who is so funny I am 35 and have all these aches and pains. You would think I was 70 or something. Running is definitely not the easiest thing on the body.

Daily mantra:
Light, who needs light?!

82 days to go - Be the rock

Some days running is easier than other days. Some days running is easier for one person and harder for another person. I actually had a good day, but my buddy was having a harder day. I have noticed this, there seems to be a point where you are the one lifting someone up and other times you need to be lifted up. I love training with a just does something to push you harder. It makes you stronger to have someone reaching the same goal as you. I feel so blessed to have found this opportunity to make all these wonderful friendships that I never would have had otherwise! Today was a 3 mile run and I ran the first mile in 13:00 minutes. That is faster than I have done so far. Now I just need to get the rest of the miles to be that same pace!

Daily mantra:
I am the rock

85 days to go - Bladder don't fail me now!

Today was the first 6 mile run I have ever done in my whole entire life! I can happily say it will not be the last either. Met with the team at the usual 6:30 time and got to run a whole new route. It was a very pretty run past 2 lakes that winded through lovely Stonebridge. Hill after hill, mile after mile. I had my running buddy Debra by my side. She was a trooper. I had to pee from the get go, so the goal was just to sweat it all out before the bathroom stop at 4.5 miles. Man that is a LONG time to hold it! After I finally made it to the potty I was right as rain and re-energized and ready to run the last 1.5 miles to take us home. It was not as hard as I fretted about it being. I think I can do this, I honestly know that I will make it to the end of this and I am just so inspired to be doing this. I just pray that I can get the donations I need to run my half marathon. I need a miracle.

Daily Mantra:
Drink less, the bladder is only so big

Thursday, September 17, 2009

87 days to go - Dang that hurt!

I didn't get to run 4 miles yesterday because I had a sick kiddo, so I had to run my 3 miles today...because I am not a rule breaker and that is what is on my schedule (aren't you super proud of me David?). Anyway, I ran my usual trek from my house...a very hilly route down Virginia Pkwy. Anyone that knows the area knows that Virginia Parkway has some major hills...we are talking Level 10 incline on the treadmill. I started running faster than usual because it was starting to rain again (I am starting to think we moved to Seattle when I wasn't looking) and I felt pretty good for the first mile and a half and then my right leg started hurting. Dang speed drills...I know that is why it is hurting. I ended up doing 3 miles in 42:48 which is 14:15 pace...despite my pain, I actually ran faster than I usually do. So whoo hoo...I guess the dang speed drills helped. I still curse you David ;)

Daily Mantra:
Run faster than the rain falls

89 days to go - Speed kills...I mean, Speed drills ;)

Tonight was a scheduled 3 mile run, but instead Coach David had a really crazy plan to have us work on our speed. We met at the usual spot then trekked on over to the school track...I knew I was in for it then! The goal was to run the straight aways faster than we usually run and then walk on the curves and then run even faster on the next straight away. I did pretty good on my running. I just pretended I was Flo Jo :) I ate dinner at 6 before we met up at 7...wishing I hadn't. It wasn't sitting well with the sprints. Note to 2 hours before we least if I know we are doing speed drills. My legs were hurting pretty good the next day though. Not fun. I will live though.

Daily mantra:
I am Flo Jo, I am Flo Jo...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

92 days to go - Singing in the rain

I ran my first 5 mile run today. It was a great run. We had light drizzle and the temps were in the cool 70s. LOVED it! I have come to the conclusion that I run better in cooler weather...I's not rocket science...but hey, hot days are not conducive to great running. At least that is the case for me. I feel great, my legs feel great, my knees feel great...overall, I am just great! I never in a million years would think that I would describe my morning as saying...just got through running 5 miles...those were words I never thought would be in MY vocabulary. I can now say that I AM A RUNNER! I think I am getting that runner's high thing. I feel good after my runs now and feel excited about upcoming runs and added miles. I have logged 59 miles to date...when its all over with, it will be 268 miles. All these steps are helping people...I feel so privileged that I have been introduced to the Team in Training Team and I am so blessed that I can do something that will help so many people.

Daily mantra:
Rain is fun

Thursday, September 10, 2009

94 days to go - Rain, rain go away

Today was my 3 mile day, I had to run at the gym again on the treadmill. It wasn't horrible, but I much prefer the good old pavement. For 2 reasons really...1. you have to go the distance, you can't quit when you are out have to come back. 2. It is nice to see scenery and run on hills and watch nature. The gym smells like sweaty men and it is really boring to run on a treadmill. The treadmill had a cool lap feature though, so I would get excited to see myself running around the little track. I was the dot that was going round and around. I would start running faster whenever I got closer to a mile point or .25 mile point. I guess that was pretty cool and I watched reruns of Grey's Anatomy. I ran a 14:30...which was way better than last night...I made myself run faster tonight and I think I will up my speed the next time to 5.0. I have run 10 miles already this week and I feel awesome!!! Nothing hurts...I can breathe clearly, my legs feel great, my knee pain is a thing of the past. I am becoming a runner...I have endurance....I have stamina...I actually look pretty strong when I saw myself in the mirror. I had nice form and I didn't feel like I would keel over. My heart feels healthier too. Roy has noticed that all this running has had a slimming effect on me as well. Who knew that doing something for a good cause would in turn change me as a person...change me for the better and make me want to be a do gooder!

Daily mantra:
I am unstoppable

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

95 days to go - Treadmills are so fun - NOT!

Tonight I had to run my 4 miles at the gym on the treadmill. I am not a fan of the treadmill to run on generally, but it really wasn't all that bad. I used a different kind of treadmill that is designed for running and it allows me to have a full stride...I do have long legs that always had a tendency to get in the way on a regular treadmill. I always felt too closed in or something when I ran...sometimes I would even hit the front panel...very annoying. Anyway, I digress, I ran a horrible time tonight. It was a whopping 15 minute pace! Pathetic, just pathetic...I really need to get my speed up...I am just trying to pace myself and not burn out early...slowly but surely the tortoise wins the race remember :)

Daily mantra:
Comparing oneself to a turtle IS therapeutic

96 days to go - It's still HOT?!

When will it cool off already?! Tonight was a 3 mile second day of 3/1 intervals...I was feeling pretty good out the gate, but I started getting hot. It was 99 today, so I think it was still in the 90s when we ran at 7! I was not feeling as confident with my run today...I felt like I was dragging...I think all that talk about it being easy on Saturday jinxed me! Yep, I was talking smack...getting all cocky... I know, I know...I deserved that didn't I? Well...the Saturday run was tremendously I blame the weather. That's my story and I am sticking to it!!!

Daily mantra:
Lie to yourself if you have too (it's not HOT...really!)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

99 days to go - Hills shmills!

I had one of my best days since I started training. I have been sick all week and I just knew I was going to really struggle with my run today. Two things were changing today - I was changing my intervals to 3/1 and I was running my first 4 miles run. I really thought I was going to be dragging and as it turned out, I actually had my best day ever! My speed wasn't the fastest I have run before, but I was not huffing and puffing when I was done and the hills I encountered were just a blip on my heart rate only maxed out at 176!!! I have been exceeding 185...that is when my watch would beep at me and tell me, hey girlfriend, slow your butt down or your heart will explode soon. Well, I know that the lack of 100 degree temperatures is surely affecting my heart and my ability to adapt and overcome. I felt so proud of myself today...I was even thinking that it was almost too easy today. I was really expecting to be putting up a fight, but I prevailed and I am so excited about my upcoming training week. I just have to run a measly 3 miles on Tuesday...that is gravy now! I remember in the beginning...3 miles seemed like eternity. Wow, what a difference 6 weeks makes! Half I come :)

Daily mantra:
I'm feeling good...da, da dum, da dum, da dum, da dum da dum...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

101 days to go - I am barely breathing

Today is the fourth day of being sick. I started feeling a scratchy throat come on over the weekend that has managed to wrangle my whole head into a complete sinus war. I can only breathe out of one nostril at a time. Knowing all of this, you must know this too, I haven't run since Saturday : I know, I know, I feel like a complete loser and that I am failing the team. I will prevail though, I think I can muster the energy to walk 3 miles tonight....hopefully. I have a nice nagging cough too lovely. The good thing is, I know I will get better and I will be healthy again...but for the people that I am running for...they don't know that. That is something out of their control and even if they want to get better, they may not. This is why I must train and must run...I am barely breathing today, but I know there is a promising tomorrow.

Daily mantra:
Just keep breathing, just keep breathing...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

106 days to go - Cooler weather, here we come!

Had an awesome run with my team this morning. I ran one of my best times yet...13:30 for 3 miles. Whoo Hoo! It made such a huge difference not being so dang hot!!! I felt great before, during and after. Am I starting to actually like this running thing? Never in a million years would I think that would be possible...but another Saturday I woke up before the sun and I am actually happy and in a great mood!! Does that mean that I won't take a noon nap when Dalton does, maybe, maybe not, time will tell :) None-the-less, this is good for me and this is such a good cause to be behind. Now if I could just keep those donations rolling in. Who knows, maybe checks are in the mail today....fingers crossed :)

Daily mantra:
Run baby run baby run

Thursday, August 27, 2009

108 days to go - Woo hoo, I made it!

So happy I am done with my run for the day. I was going to run tonight, but I got up, put on my running shoes and ran out the door - literally! I did eat a little something and drank 64oz of water (I had to clarify, I don't want anyone nagging me). I posted a really good time for me. I ran a 13:14, which is really good for me! There was one point when I was coming up the last extremely difficult hill, I would equate it to being a 10 incline on the treadmill, I was going about 5 miles an hour and I was huffing and puffing and a Bob Marley song came on "Could you be loved" and the lyrics were...

(The road of life is rocky and you may stumble too,
So while you point your fingers someone else is judging you)
Love your brotherman!
(Could you be - could you be - could you be loved?Could you be - could you be loved?Could you be - could you be - could you be loved?Could you be - could you be loved?)

Don't let them change ya, oh! -Or even rearrange ya!
Oh, no!We've got a life to live.
They say: only - only -only the fittest of the fittest shall survive -Stay alive! Eh!

and then it went on to say "Get up, get up, get up , get up, get up" while I ran UP the hill! It was great!

It pushed me the last little way up the hill. I love it when I am inspired by songs :)

Daily mantra:
Get er done!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

109 days to go - tonight's going to be a good, good night

I had a great 3 miles 2/1 run tonight. I felt awesome! I think the key to my success tonight was the Black Eyed Peas songs that I downloaded to my MP3 player and drinking 64oz of water right before my run. I found myself running to the beat of my music which was really up the first mile I did it in 13:35 minutes! I was really dragging in the heat last night, but tonight I think I could have gone another mile if I needed to! Whoo hoo! Hydration is critical to running and I was super hydrated. Note to self, drink lots of water before every run. I am finding myself excited to go it is some kind of adventure that is waiting up ahead for me. I never in a million years thought that I would ever utter the words "I am excited to go on a run"...but the time has arrived and hell apparently has frozen over :)

Daily mantra:
I think I can, I think I will

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

110 days to go - It's a HOT one today!

Ok, the kiddos are getting back in school and I have been focusing on fall/winter school clothes. Yet, it was 99 degrees today and who could imagine wearing any long sleeves shirts at the moment! Today was supposed to be a 2 mile run - I ran almost 3! Oopsy...was I just so gung ho that I wanted to do the regular marathon running schedule today? Who knows what the reason was, but I ran a whole extra mile today! On a good note, my knees feels really good!!! After most runs so far, my right knee has been so swollen it really hurts for several hours afterwards. My Dr. had advised me to run through the pain and I have been...I guess my body is getting used to it after all. Now if my dang heart would just get used to it already. I feel like I fail everytime my heart rate monitor beeps me out and makes me stop running because it gets to high. I do what Adine tells me and I listen to my body...this is not supposed to kill me in the process...I have to remember that sometimes. I am training to run a race, a race that raises money to save a lot of lives and get healthy in the process - not die trying! I am still running 2/1 intervals. I am making a goal for myself for Sept 1st to start running 3/1 intervals. I think another week of 2/1's and I should be set. I feel like I am getting more endurance...I guess that's the whole point of all these miles. I am tracking my runs and since I signed up for Team in Training, I have run/walked 28.15 miles! Woo Hoo! I can't wait to see how many it will be when it's all done.

On a personal note, which is funny to say since this whole blog is personal anyway, I really think this is something that I was meant to do. I think that I have needed something in my life to get behind and be passionate about and raising money for cancer really fits. It was really hard losing my grandma to cancer. Watching her wither away and deteriorate so rapidly after knowing that she was really fit and played golf almost every day of her last 45 years. She was a very crass, bitchy woman, but that is what she was and I loved her very much and I still get sad thinking of her from time to time. I miss her quips and her sarcasm and wish she had the chance to have met Dalton. I wish there wasn't cancer and I am so determined to do something that makes the difference in the lives of others that are suffering.

Daily mantra:
Helping others, helps yourself.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

113 days to go - Inspired so high today

I will have to say that today was by far my favorite run day to date. The morning started off with one of my mentors, Adine, telling us her story about her father's battle with Leukemia. Her story really hit home why I was standing there so early in the morning. I have a laundry list of things to do today, but at that moment I knew that I needed to be "there" both mentally and physically. Her story was very inspiring to me and it made me cry involuntarily...I played it off that I had something in my eye...wink, wink! I ran better today that I have run yet! I actually felt HAPPY running today! Does that mean I am starting to get that HIGH thing everyone talks about? Also, my knee is not nearly as swollen as it usually is and I feel energized!!! Woo Hoo!!!Maybe I was lifted up in spirit by new higher purpose. I feel so privileged to be a part of this fine team and can't wait to go all the way. I have also decided today that I think I am going to run the half marathon and not just the relay!

Daily mantra:
Be inspired

Thursday, August 20, 2009

115 days to go - Never give up

Today was another 2 mile mark. I feel a little bit like I cheated tonight. I walked the whole thing! I would have run, but scheduling conflicts caused us to have to do 2 miles with the kiddos in tow in the stroller. Anyone that has been in my neck of the woods knows just how dang hilly it is over here. Running is NOT an option with 70 pounds worth of kids and stroller. So, we took a brisk walk with the kids and my dog Nitro. He is getting to be senior dog according to his recent checkup (that would be 5 years) anyway, I think Roy will start taking him on morning runs. Heck, we will just make the whole family get involved...even the beloved pooch can suffer a little too!

My knee has become very uncomfortable...the swelling from running is taking a toll. I am continuing to ice it down after runs and take ibuprofen...hopefully as I get stronger, so will my knee and my legs. I can't wait until I get to be like those ladies that run like gazelles and barely break a sweat. The ones that get a high off every run. When does that kick in? I am ready for it!

Daily mantra:
Never give up

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

116 days to go - Just don't quit

Anyone that knows me well probably knows that I am NOT a morning person. My idea of early is 9...I know you are laughing, but really...9 is early enough for me. So when I tell you that I am running at 7:45AM that should tell you how much dedication that I am putting in here. Today I did my 2 miles, my legs hurt, my knee hurt, I wanted to give up and just stop...but I kept on fighting through the pain and kept on running. I kept my head high and thoughts on the Heroes that I am fighting for...the real fighters in this world are the ones I am running for. So when I am being whiny and want to quit I am reminded of a boy named Griffin that I am running for. I am remined of my grandma that lost her life to cancer and my wonderful friend CC that died from breast cancer. Why does cancer have to be so mean?! I hate cancer more than I hate running! So I will keep running and running!!!

Daily mantra:
Just don't quit

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

117 days to go - keep on truckin

Tonight was a 2 mile run, I stayed on my 2/1 intervals. That is code for run 2 minutes and walk for 1 minute. I am slowly building up my endurance. I have a great heart rate monitor that keeps me in line. Basically my goal is to run without with hyper beeping to tell me to slow down because my heart is about to burst from my chest. I was a little disappointed beeped me out 3 times on mile 2. I know, I have to work up to it and I know I am not a runner and have never been a runner and I should be very proud of myself for sticking with it. No pain no gain baby! I have a mission to prove, I have goals to meet, I have people's lives to save. One agonizing run at a time. I know I can, I know I can, I know I can.

Daily mantra:
Keep on truckin (thanks for the idea of a daily mantra Jessica)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Saturday Morning training - Day 12

Today was the day that I would have much rather been in bed. I should have stayed in body did not want to run. It was a very hard 3 miles, but I made it through. This is what I call stick with something no matter how grueling. I am doing this for a good cause...I am doing this to help cure cancer. I have to keep on keepin on and think to myself that this is just one day. I have 120 days until the marathon. I CAN DO IT!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

What the heck did I sign up for?

A crazy girl I know named Lisa thought it would be a dandy idea for a group of us fellow mommies to go check out an information meeting about marathon training. Little did I know it would happen that quickly...but before we left we had all committed and signed on the dotted line to start training for Whiterock Lake Marathon in December! Now, don't get me wrong, I am all about doing things for a good cause, however, I have NEVER run a day in my life. I HATE, HATE, HATE running and now I have some how been swindled, peer pressured, gun to the head, forced to start my training. It is going to be grueling, unbearable and I could quite possibly die...BUT I am so excited I could pee my pants right now! Seriously! I have been given the chance to conquer my fears and face one of my biggest challenges all the while I will be raising money to fight cancer. So, please support me on my journey into madness and follow along as I dive head first into a new world of running.