Saturday, September 26, 2009

78 days to go - Lannie's Ladies day

I had a great day! I ran the Ovarian Cancer 5k with my Lannie's Ladies team this morning. I ran it in 39:47! That made my pace 12:50/mile! Still in the 12's...I hope I stay there or better. It was so incredibly inspiring to be a part of a large crowd of people that are all trying to raise awareness for a cancer that is very vague in symptoms and barely talked about. They said it was the largest crowd yet and they had a record number of teams this year. We were one of the teams...Lannie's Ladies. I was proud to be on a team with such fine ladies and a few gentlemen that were there to support it too :) Lannie was the hero of our day. She was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer last year and she was one of the fortunate ones that had it caught early and now, she is a survivor. We walked with her last year and now we got to run with her this year. This will be a yearly thing now. It puts it in perspective when a friend of yours has to fight for her life. She had ovarian cancer, we are raising money for leukemia, but cancer is cancer and that is why we run. That is why we train. That is why we put our blood, sweat and tears into this training. So we can get to say that someone else we know is a survivor too!

Daily mantra:
Train harder, run faster

80 days to go - Best time yet!

I just switched my route up and tried a new 3 mile trail and ran my best time yet!!! Woo hoo! I ran it in 38:54 which is 12:26/mile! I have been consistently running 14:30/miles and now I am in the 12's. I just ran faster and kept going. Sometimes I have started out too fast and then start getting a pain in my leg or something and have to slow it down. I am still running my 3/1 intervals, but I plan on upping that to 4/1 when October starts. I am feeling stronger every run. I did make myself laugh...I had to play music in my head since my MP3 player died last week and as I was coming up my final - very steep - hill, I found myself thinking of Jessica's blog and pictured the Rocky picture and started doing the doo do dooooo, do do dooooooo, do do doooo, do do do do do dooooooooooooooooo. We all know how that goes, right?! None-the-less, it pushed me up the hill and to my house in record time. I am so glad I have such a vivid memory and can hear the songs in my head. Comes in mighty handy when you have no tunes :)

Daily mantra:
Just baby run, baby run

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

81 days to go - Dang it's dark out here!

Tonight was a 4 mile run and we met at 7:00 like usual. We ran for about 1.5 or so and then it got really dark. I need to get one of those headlights to put on my hat. It was kinda creepy running where you couldn't see. My right leg was hurting me really badly tonight. It was an ache that seemed better when I ran versus walking. My running buddy was having a really good run tonight and I was the one having an off day. It was her day to lift ME up! My legs aren't hurting as much now that I stopped. I will have to ask my DR. about this new pain to see what he thinks might be causing it. Who is so funny I am 35 and have all these aches and pains. You would think I was 70 or something. Running is definitely not the easiest thing on the body.

Daily mantra:
Light, who needs light?!

82 days to go - Be the rock

Some days running is easier than other days. Some days running is easier for one person and harder for another person. I actually had a good day, but my buddy was having a harder day. I have noticed this, there seems to be a point where you are the one lifting someone up and other times you need to be lifted up. I love training with a just does something to push you harder. It makes you stronger to have someone reaching the same goal as you. I feel so blessed to have found this opportunity to make all these wonderful friendships that I never would have had otherwise! Today was a 3 mile run and I ran the first mile in 13:00 minutes. That is faster than I have done so far. Now I just need to get the rest of the miles to be that same pace!

Daily mantra:
I am the rock

85 days to go - Bladder don't fail me now!

Today was the first 6 mile run I have ever done in my whole entire life! I can happily say it will not be the last either. Met with the team at the usual 6:30 time and got to run a whole new route. It was a very pretty run past 2 lakes that winded through lovely Stonebridge. Hill after hill, mile after mile. I had my running buddy Debra by my side. She was a trooper. I had to pee from the get go, so the goal was just to sweat it all out before the bathroom stop at 4.5 miles. Man that is a LONG time to hold it! After I finally made it to the potty I was right as rain and re-energized and ready to run the last 1.5 miles to take us home. It was not as hard as I fretted about it being. I think I can do this, I honestly know that I will make it to the end of this and I am just so inspired to be doing this. I just pray that I can get the donations I need to run my half marathon. I need a miracle.

Daily Mantra:
Drink less, the bladder is only so big

Thursday, September 17, 2009

87 days to go - Dang that hurt!

I didn't get to run 4 miles yesterday because I had a sick kiddo, so I had to run my 3 miles today...because I am not a rule breaker and that is what is on my schedule (aren't you super proud of me David?). Anyway, I ran my usual trek from my house...a very hilly route down Virginia Pkwy. Anyone that knows the area knows that Virginia Parkway has some major hills...we are talking Level 10 incline on the treadmill. I started running faster than usual because it was starting to rain again (I am starting to think we moved to Seattle when I wasn't looking) and I felt pretty good for the first mile and a half and then my right leg started hurting. Dang speed drills...I know that is why it is hurting. I ended up doing 3 miles in 42:48 which is 14:15 pace...despite my pain, I actually ran faster than I usually do. So whoo hoo...I guess the dang speed drills helped. I still curse you David ;)

Daily Mantra:
Run faster than the rain falls

89 days to go - Speed kills...I mean, Speed drills ;)

Tonight was a scheduled 3 mile run, but instead Coach David had a really crazy plan to have us work on our speed. We met at the usual spot then trekked on over to the school track...I knew I was in for it then! The goal was to run the straight aways faster than we usually run and then walk on the curves and then run even faster on the next straight away. I did pretty good on my running. I just pretended I was Flo Jo :) I ate dinner at 6 before we met up at 7...wishing I hadn't. It wasn't sitting well with the sprints. Note to 2 hours before we least if I know we are doing speed drills. My legs were hurting pretty good the next day though. Not fun. I will live though.

Daily mantra:
I am Flo Jo, I am Flo Jo...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

92 days to go - Singing in the rain

I ran my first 5 mile run today. It was a great run. We had light drizzle and the temps were in the cool 70s. LOVED it! I have come to the conclusion that I run better in cooler weather...I's not rocket science...but hey, hot days are not conducive to great running. At least that is the case for me. I feel great, my legs feel great, my knees feel great...overall, I am just great! I never in a million years would think that I would describe my morning as saying...just got through running 5 miles...those were words I never thought would be in MY vocabulary. I can now say that I AM A RUNNER! I think I am getting that runner's high thing. I feel good after my runs now and feel excited about upcoming runs and added miles. I have logged 59 miles to date...when its all over with, it will be 268 miles. All these steps are helping people...I feel so privileged that I have been introduced to the Team in Training Team and I am so blessed that I can do something that will help so many people.

Daily mantra:
Rain is fun

Thursday, September 10, 2009

94 days to go - Rain, rain go away

Today was my 3 mile day, I had to run at the gym again on the treadmill. It wasn't horrible, but I much prefer the good old pavement. For 2 reasons really...1. you have to go the distance, you can't quit when you are out have to come back. 2. It is nice to see scenery and run on hills and watch nature. The gym smells like sweaty men and it is really boring to run on a treadmill. The treadmill had a cool lap feature though, so I would get excited to see myself running around the little track. I was the dot that was going round and around. I would start running faster whenever I got closer to a mile point or .25 mile point. I guess that was pretty cool and I watched reruns of Grey's Anatomy. I ran a 14:30...which was way better than last night...I made myself run faster tonight and I think I will up my speed the next time to 5.0. I have run 10 miles already this week and I feel awesome!!! Nothing hurts...I can breathe clearly, my legs feel great, my knee pain is a thing of the past. I am becoming a runner...I have endurance....I have stamina...I actually look pretty strong when I saw myself in the mirror. I had nice form and I didn't feel like I would keel over. My heart feels healthier too. Roy has noticed that all this running has had a slimming effect on me as well. Who knew that doing something for a good cause would in turn change me as a person...change me for the better and make me want to be a do gooder!

Daily mantra:
I am unstoppable

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

95 days to go - Treadmills are so fun - NOT!

Tonight I had to run my 4 miles at the gym on the treadmill. I am not a fan of the treadmill to run on generally, but it really wasn't all that bad. I used a different kind of treadmill that is designed for running and it allows me to have a full stride...I do have long legs that always had a tendency to get in the way on a regular treadmill. I always felt too closed in or something when I ran...sometimes I would even hit the front panel...very annoying. Anyway, I digress, I ran a horrible time tonight. It was a whopping 15 minute pace! Pathetic, just pathetic...I really need to get my speed up...I am just trying to pace myself and not burn out early...slowly but surely the tortoise wins the race remember :)

Daily mantra:
Comparing oneself to a turtle IS therapeutic

96 days to go - It's still HOT?!

When will it cool off already?! Tonight was a 3 mile second day of 3/1 intervals...I was feeling pretty good out the gate, but I started getting hot. It was 99 today, so I think it was still in the 90s when we ran at 7! I was not feeling as confident with my run today...I felt like I was dragging...I think all that talk about it being easy on Saturday jinxed me! Yep, I was talking smack...getting all cocky... I know, I know...I deserved that didn't I? Well...the Saturday run was tremendously I blame the weather. That's my story and I am sticking to it!!!

Daily mantra:
Lie to yourself if you have too (it's not HOT...really!)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

99 days to go - Hills shmills!

I had one of my best days since I started training. I have been sick all week and I just knew I was going to really struggle with my run today. Two things were changing today - I was changing my intervals to 3/1 and I was running my first 4 miles run. I really thought I was going to be dragging and as it turned out, I actually had my best day ever! My speed wasn't the fastest I have run before, but I was not huffing and puffing when I was done and the hills I encountered were just a blip on my heart rate only maxed out at 176!!! I have been exceeding 185...that is when my watch would beep at me and tell me, hey girlfriend, slow your butt down or your heart will explode soon. Well, I know that the lack of 100 degree temperatures is surely affecting my heart and my ability to adapt and overcome. I felt so proud of myself today...I was even thinking that it was almost too easy today. I was really expecting to be putting up a fight, but I prevailed and I am so excited about my upcoming training week. I just have to run a measly 3 miles on Tuesday...that is gravy now! I remember in the beginning...3 miles seemed like eternity. Wow, what a difference 6 weeks makes! Half I come :)

Daily mantra:
I'm feeling good...da, da dum, da dum, da dum, da dum da dum...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

101 days to go - I am barely breathing

Today is the fourth day of being sick. I started feeling a scratchy throat come on over the weekend that has managed to wrangle my whole head into a complete sinus war. I can only breathe out of one nostril at a time. Knowing all of this, you must know this too, I haven't run since Saturday : I know, I know, I feel like a complete loser and that I am failing the team. I will prevail though, I think I can muster the energy to walk 3 miles tonight....hopefully. I have a nice nagging cough too lovely. The good thing is, I know I will get better and I will be healthy again...but for the people that I am running for...they don't know that. That is something out of their control and even if they want to get better, they may not. This is why I must train and must run...I am barely breathing today, but I know there is a promising tomorrow.

Daily mantra:
Just keep breathing, just keep breathing...