Sunday, November 8, 2009

36 days to go - A dozen miles to go

This was a different kind of Saturday morning run. First of all I didn't have the support of all my teammates there to cheer me on. Secondly, I was in Oklahoma and not at our usual stomping grounds. Thirdly, I was going to have to run 12 miles ALL alone. All things that could really get you intimidated. I drove a route by our cabin that was a loop around the camp sites by the river. It was beautiful and on a one way street. I ran in the opposite direction towards the I could run in the road until anyone came. Well...most people were sleeping or making breakfast so cars were not an issue at all. It was slightly misty outside...the temperature was about 60 and the sun was behind clouds. I started out with my jacket on, but like usual I dumped it at the cabin at mile 1. That was my ended at the cabin every time. I was worried I would lose count of my laps, I came up with a clever idea to keep track of them. Every mile/lap I would pick up a leaf that I thought was interesting and I would drop it on my jacket that I had laid out on the ground. It was pretty neat, I would be in a full run and a leaf would catch my eye and I would stop and grab it. Partly I did this for Dylan. He and I collected leaves for a school project and he had to leave the school before they could use his leaves...he was kinda sad about it. What better way to mark my run and make my kid's day?! I have a lot of really cool leaves...all kinds...all shapes, colors and sizes. Around mile 10, Dylan was outside playing with his wagon and called me all excited when he saw me...he was my little cheering section. It was so endearing :)

Well, I had the best run I have had date...period! Maybe it was the majestic scenery that just took your breath away and made you embrace being outside at 6:30am. Maybe it was the fact that the air was so crisp, the smells of camp fires burning with the fall leaves rustling along the road and the squirrels scampering from tree to tree...looking up at the road ahead and wishing it would never end. THAT never happens on my runs. I highly recommend running in Beaver's Bend...I think it was very therapeutic. It was so peaceful and it made me feel so energized. So much that I actually ran an extra half mile or so just to make sure I did my 12 miles...later we realized it was about 12.7 miles. After showering and having breakfast, I told Roy to grab the kids and the wagon because I wanted to take pictures of my run so I could share them with everyone. So...I essentially did a victory lap and walked another mile with the kids and took some pictures for me. I felt great after the complaints...except my right foot kinda hurts a little now. But, overall...I am so proud of myself for coming this far and even more so for doing it all alone.

Here are some pictures of my route:

Daily mantra:
Be at one with nature more often

Daily miles:
13.6 - HECK YEAH!!!!

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