Saturday, August 15, 2009

Saturday Morning training - Day 12

Today was the day that I would have much rather been in bed. I should have stayed in body did not want to run. It was a very hard 3 miles, but I made it through. This is what I call stick with something no matter how grueling. I am doing this for a good cause...I am doing this to help cure cancer. I have to keep on keepin on and think to myself that this is just one day. I have 120 days until the marathon. I CAN DO IT!!!


  1. Chris - I'm following your journey as I am just starting my own journey training to run the 8 mile Turkey Trot! Are you running a FULL marathon or relay? I, like you, am NOT a runner. N.O.T. So I totally get where you are coming from. Monday is my official start date to training. I've actually considered doing a blog as well...great minds think alike!

  2. I aspire to run the half marathon if I can raise all my funds, otherwise, I will just do the relay, which is about 5-6 miles. My recommendation is to start slow. Get fitted for running shoes and train on a schedule. Our usual week is run/walk - Sat: 3 miles, Tues: 2 miles, Weds: 3 miles, Thurs: 2 miles. Then it will go up ini distance over the course of our training. I can email you the schedule if you want. We are getting a wealth of advice, mentorship and training from Team in Training. My coaches rock! You can donate to my cause...I already hit Kevin up, but he hasn't yet...hint, hint!

  3. Thanks Chris. I've found some good training schedules online, like and I'm starting out slow - this week will run 1.5 miles 3 days this week. We'll see how it goes. I may blog about it on my family blog: Maybe I'll start a post on the series tonight.
